I was delighted to be invited to speak at the recent MED-EL Rehabilitation Symposium in York. The symposium brought together a wide range of professionals who work with cochlear implant users. I talked about the work we have done with cochlear implant users at the University of Southampton, and in particular our Interactive Music Awareness Programme (IMAP) that will go live at the end of January at http://morefrommusic.org/
Tag Archives: IMAP
New Interfaces for Music Expression Conference
I am off to Ann Arbour, Michigan USA, in May for the 12th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). I’ll be presenting a demo of the ‘Interactive Music Awareness Programme’ (IMAP) for Cochlear Implant Users I’ve developed with the ‘Compositions for Cochlear Implantees’ team at the University of Southampton. Should be some fantastic concerts and stuff to see while I’m there.