Tag Archives: hannah williams

TOO MANY SWEETS launch at the Vortex

Had a brilliant time at the album launch party for my BRC album TOO MANY SWEETS on Tuesday at The Vortex in Dalston, London. Lovely crowd. Good to chat with Matthew Shlomowitz about the album and my music in more general terms. Amazing performance by Yshani Perinpanayagam of Drip Feeder. Great to play Love Letters with Hannah Williams too.

Hannah Williams & Benjamin Oliver: Love Letters [with AI]

‘British soul sensation’ Hannah Williams (vocals) and composer Benjamin Oliver (piano/electronics) perform music inspired by, or created with, AI.

The programme features cabaret number How Could You Prefer It To Me? by Bella Barlow and Drew Crawford, Anna Appleby’s ‘Reservoir’, selections from Jennifer Walshe’s ‘A Late Anthology of Early Music Vol. 1: Ancient to Renaissance’ and a new version of Oliver’s song cycle ‘Love Letters’.

Premiered and recorded by Williams and Riot Ensemble in 2023, ‘Love Letters’ includes melancholic, absurd and dramatic expressions of love made with LovelaceGPT, an AI text generation model developed by University of Southampton researchers.


It’s out!! After 3 years of writing, exciting collaboration and production TOO MANY SWEETS is out there in the world! Thanks to everyone that has contributed to making it happen and to Birmingham Record Company for putting it out!


‘Love Letters’ reworked

Been working on a new version of Love Letters for me to play (piano/electronics) with Hannah Williams. Had a good first rehearsal yesterday on it. I need to practise! We will play the premiere at a new University of Southampton festival focused around AI Arts on 2 June alongside music by Anna Appleby and Drew Crawford/Bella Barlow. Music by Jennifer Walshe will also feature.

The Love Letters [with AI] project has been featured as a research highlight too: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/research/highlights/music-ai-combine-for-quirky-performance

Love Letters [with AI]

Was a total joy working with the amazing Hannah Williams, awesome musicians from Riot Ensemble and a brilliant research team from the University of Southampton on the ‘Love Letters [with AI]’ project. Ash Sealy (@whatabouttheash) captured the London gig fantastically. I’m really proud of this project and especially my new 7-song cycle Love Letters. We recorded it between the two performances too and the cycle will feature on my portrait album. Too Many Sweets, next year…

Riot Ensemble with Hannah Williams & Stephanie Lamprea: LOVE LETTERS [WITH AI]

Composer Benjamin Oliver and Riot Ensemble present contemporary works that explore creative applications of artificial intelligence (AI).

‘British soul sensation’ Hannah Williams joins forces with a new music superstar Riot Ensemble quartet to premiere Benjamin Oliver’s song cycle LOVE LETTERS. The work includes melancholic, absurd and dramatic expressions of love made with LovelaceGPT, a new AI text generation model developed by University of Southampton researchers.

AI music and text generation, as well as sound processing, feature in five distinctive works by leading young composers : Rob Laidlow, Zakiya Leeming, Anna Appleby, Oliver Sellwood and Megan Steinberg. The ‘startingly gifted’ Colombian-American soprano Stephanie Lamprea guests for three vocal pieces.

The LOVE LETTERS [WITH AI] project is supported by the University of Southampton Web Science Institute & Department of Music.

Riot Ensemble with Hannah Williams & Stephanie Lamprea: LOVE LETTERS [WITH AI]

Composer Benjamin Oliver and Riot Ensemble present contemporary works that explore creative applications of artificial intelligence (AI).

‘British soul sensation’ Hannah Williams joins forces with a new music superstar Riot Ensemble quartet to premiere Benjamin Oliver’s song cycle LOVE LETTERS. The work includes melancholic, absurd and dramatic expressions of love made with LovelaceGPT, a new AI text generation model developed by University of Southampton researchers.

AI music and text generation, as well as sound processing, feature in five distinctive works by leading young composers : Rob Laidlow, Zakiya Leeming, Anna Appleby, Oliver Sellwood and Megan Steinberg. The ‘startingly gifted’ Colombian-American soprano Stephanie Lamprea guests for three vocal pieces.

The LOVE LETTERS [WITH AI] project is supported by the University of Southampton Web Science Institute & Department of Music.